Tuesday, September 28, 2010

well it's 8:48pm...

and I believe my boys are asleep...that wasn't an easy task let me tell ya. Dexter as always it's a chase to get him into pj's ( he's not like his mother, I've been in mine since 5:30pm.), then he wanted me to make his bed, filling it with endless amounts of stuffed animals and layer after layer of blankets which he refuses to sleep under. Then it was a fight about the fan, I don't want it he says, then 2 minutes later ( I'm rocking the baby to sleep) mommy I want the fan, mommy I want the door open, a glass of water, the blankets on...Cleese on the other hand can't get out of his bed...thank goodness! so I heard some crying then he settled and right to sleep...but how long until he rolls onto his belly and wakes up mad??? anyways, I have a few minutes to myself (before I pass out) so I think I'll take 'em by watching one of my favorite shows with my hubby: HOUSE...oh wait..where's my hubby? visiting a old friend...guess I may have to reschedule my appointment with Dr. House. :-/

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